We have our own laboratories where the physical-chemical quality of the raw material is controlled, as well as the microbiological quality of the finished product.
In addition, ongoing training of all workers can directly involve them in the quality management system, resulting in continuous improvement in all our processes and the quality and safety of the products we offer.
Thanks to the company’s efforts in this field, we have consolidated our image of prestige and reliability in the market.

Congelados Pedáneo, S.A. ha participado en el Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX-NEXT, y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX, así como con la cofinanciación de Fondos europeos FEDER, habiendo contribuido según la medida de los mismos, al crecimiento económico de estra empresa, su región y de España en su conjunto.
Red Pepper / Green Pepper / Yellow Pepper / Orange Pepper / Flammed Pepper Red-Green / Flammed Pepper Yellow-Green / Pepper Mix / Onion / Red onion / Courgette / Aubergine / Broccoli / Cauliflower / Romanesco / Tomato / Cherry Tomato / Cucumber / Black Olives / Green Olives / Artichoke / Leek / Celery / Pumpkin Butternut / Strawberry / Chard / Sweet Corn / Peas / Capres
Onion / Courgette / Aubergine / Artichoke/ Red Pepper / Green Pepper / Yellow Pepper / Pepper Mix
Polígono Industrial Los Polvorines
Calle Canarias
30600 Archena. Murcia. Spain.
GPS: N38º 06’ 50’’ – W 1º 16’ 55’’
Tel: +34 968 641 614
Fax: +34 968 641 999
E-mail: congelados@pedaneo.es
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